Baby Teeth 101

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Your child’s baby teeth play a big role in the health of his or her smile as an adult. Are you surprised? The baby teeth hold space in a child’s smile so that their adult teeth can come in properly when the time is right.

When should your child’s baby teeth grow in? Usually, the primary teeth begin to break the gums around six months of age. You should know that this can vary. Most children have all 20 of their baby teeth by about age three. In many cases, a child’s earliest teeth will come in in pairs.

Helping your child take care of his or her baby teeth is very important. If a baby tooth becomes extensively damaged or decayed, the permanent tooth that has yet to grow in can also become infected. If a baby tooth is lost too soon, the other baby teeth can drift and block the permanent tooth from coming in correctly. This can cause the permanent tooth to come in crooked.

Begin caring for your child’s teeth early. Before your baby’s teeth come in, clean his or her gums with wet gauze or a clean cloth after feedings. Once the teeth start growing in, use a small, soft toothbrush to brush your child’s teeth twice every day. Help your child brush and floss their teeth until they are old enough to do so on without assistance.

Contact Green Valley Kids at 303-371-4485 for more information about your child’s smile and to set up his or her next visit with Dr. Chris Roberts. Our pediatric dentist and team in Denver, Colorado, are thrilled to get to know your family!